Harnessing Target Specificity With Novel ADC Technology Advancements to Minimize Off-Target Toxicity

Time: 1:05 pm
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


This workshop will be your opportunity to discover a range of novel ADC technology advancements in development to progress target specificity and widen therapeutic windows. This is an unmissable chance to participate in deepdive discussions into everything from bispecific targets, to novel linker-payload technologies.

Join this workshop to gain a bigger picture on linker-payloads to supplement your technology selection for your ADC development to best compliment your target selection and ensure successful progression into the clinic.

The highlights of this workshop include:

  • Discovering how your target effects the safety profile of your ADC, and how precision antibody technology can help with this
  • Highlighting unique approaches to target selection when working with bispecific antibodies
  • Unveiling novel linker-payload technologies to better saturate target cell surface antigens with minimal toxicities
